featured-image for the about page

featured-image for the about page

Human visual experience is primary in learning to understand and respond to the environment; visual information is the oldest record of human history.  

D.A. Dondis from A Primer Of Visual Literacy

The Visualize This site offers an opportunity to gather, create and share. Originally conceived as a gallery space for a series of workshops and studio sessions about using visuals for teaching, learning and scholarly activities.

Presented by Marie Bartlett and Jason Toal, in Open Learning at TRU, participants were invited to, “Join us in the studio this fall to explore using visuals of all kinds in an academic context. Each session covers a new topic where participants can explore different tools and techniques for making visual representations.”

The series consists of seven topics, exploring different visual forms and functions, outlined below.

  • Enter the gallery
  • Drawing lines and letters
  • Diagrams
  • Mapping
  • Adventures in storyboarding
  • Lightboard
  • Zines
  • Comics

Do you have something to share with the class?