The point

Quoting place  

Marie Bartlett

All marks begin with a point. Sometimes knowing where to start is the biggest challenge when drawing or writing in front of the class. Building a visual vocabulary with basic elements will build your confidence and provide foundational skills you can use across your curriculum. 

In the studio this week, participants will explore these elements through a series of guided drawing activities. Lines, shapes and icons, letters, words and text will be practiced. Activities for introducing students to visual practice will be shared.

Visual Agenda


Spiral in – We spiraled in to the workshop focusing on the materials that were present. No screens. Drawing a spiral brings our attention to the page and frees us from choice. There is time for that later. Our discussion revolves around the materials, and the echos of those marks in the digital realm.

Discover and Curate – Finding images that illustrate your ideas, and elevate your teaching has never been easier. Yet we are still confined by issues of copyright and the conflict with academic freedom. These things are not mutually exclusive. Many resources are available to choose from, one just need know where to look.

The Show – The gallery has been staged, now is the time to bring the audience. Communicating through visuals is as much about the visual choices as it the technical workflow. Each network or platform maintains its own requirements and it is the work of the presenter to navigate and share their experience. The spectacle means little without… spectators, on lookers, participants, students.

Guided Tour – Art does not exist in a vacuum. As the spectator brings energy to the observed, so to do pathways, routes and and maps help to guide others on their journey.

Do you have something to share with the class?

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